A play written and directed by Alex Stenhouse for Theatre With Teeth at the University of Exeter. The play is a romantic comedy about penguins and documentary filmmakers in the Antarctic. The play received a commendation from the National Student Drama Festival NSDF.
Love Among the Penguins by Alex Stenhouse
Commended by the National Student Drama Festival (NSDF). A heart-warming feel-good comedy drama about the search for love, acceptance, and penguins. Produced by Theatre with Teeth. Performed at Mardon Hall in Exeter.
Featuring a live musical score composed by Alex Rafael Rose.
CAST: Hanna Gardner, Harry Neal, Patrick Swain, Connie Eldon McCaig, Will Pinhey, Ludo Graham, Sarah Dean, Claudia Bruce, Fred Varley
Director - Alex Stenhouse [as Alex Thomas],
Artistic Director of Theatre With Teeth – Rosie Thomas,
Assistant AD of TWT – Simon Marshall,
Producer – Beth King,
Assistant Director – Tamsin Keeley,
Stage Manager - Oliver Martin,
ASM/ Choreographer - Hannah Simonds,
Musical Director - Alex Rafael Rose,
Production Supervisor – Paige Evans,
Publicity - Tom Skitt,
Photographer - Harry Bowley
"...attentive and successful direction..." "moving, funny, and clever" - Razz Magazine